Blatherings of a security addict.

Reinvention of 007 + Back to the Future = Really Dumb Idea

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Update Some nice digg user decided to comment and inform me that this was the FIRST Bond book. Basically Bond before the toys. hmm, nope, still don’t like the idea.

Ok. I’m pissed.
Let me get this straight. You’ve got

  • A legendary name (“James Bond”)

  • A multi-million dollar market

  • A slew of Hollywood stars that have made 007 great

  • Fan clubs spanning the globe


  • 6 Video games

  • and 20 full length feature films

And you want to REINVENT the CHARACTER?!? Are you nuts? You want to make him YOUNG?! You want to make the new movie based on a FARCE that was done in 1967 WITH THE SAME NAME! AND YOU WANT TO TAKE AWAY “Q” AND THE TOYS! Come on. You are taking away EVERYTHING that is BOND. Ok now that I am done ranting and raving at the lunatics that are making this STUPID IDEA a reality, here is a little background: I got home today and checked Engadget like always and I see this: Bond to fly solo without Q in Casino Royale? which led me to this blog: No Gadgets For New James Bond . I did some more research and found out that Casino Royale is already a DVD on Amazon. It was a 1967 FARCE to make fun of 007:

Editorial Reviews of “Casino Royale” 1967
John Huston was only one of five directors on this expensive, all-star 1967 spoof of Ian Fleming’s 007 lore. David Niven is the aging Sir James Bond, called out of retirement to take on the organized threat of SMERSH and pass on the secret-agent mantle to his idiot son (Woody Allen). An amazing cast (Orson Welles, Peter Sellers, Deborah Kerr, etc.) is wonderful to look at, but the film is not as funny as it should be, and the romping starts to look mannered after awhile. The musical score by Burt Bacharach, however, is a keeper. —Tom Keogh

Well, if you want to watch the REAL BOND. Check out this list on Amazon for all the REAL Bond movies: Listmania! All the Bond Movies

Here is the official news from BBC: James Bond writer ‘reinvents’ spy

To all the Bonds of old. We salute you. (And hope you don’t have to suffer through watching this movie)


616 Hits. No Comments

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Are you guys trying to tell me something? I’m the dork at prom who hasn’t noticed the “Kick Me” sign on his back. What exactly is making ya’ll run away with lightning speed? Come on, be the stand up person and tell me. (For the Ashley Park people out there. This means LEAVE A COMMENT)

TechTV Back From the Dead?

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I am proud to announce that TechTV, the cable television channel that we know and USED to love might just be making a comeback. In an ‘Aliens’ sort of revival, a year and a half after they were pwnd ‘merged’, might be popping out on top of G4. For starters they are bringing back “Call for Help” with Leo Leporte. First seen on which is a blog written by, yup you guessed it Kevin Rose, the next move is that the G4 Founder and CEO who engineered the dumbass move ‘merger’ has been FIRED! released. There are so many blogs and IRC channels that are DEDICATED to bringing back TechTV that it surprises me that the suits over at G4 took this long to get the message.

Click here to vote for how much you like Charles Hirschhorn

To learn more about the FORMER TechTV killer click HERE for his Bio at G4’s about page.

Tell me what you think about the issue. Post a comment.

Come back to us


12 Hour Shifts

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I have officially determinded 12 hour shifts suck. Whoever invented this crazy idea needs to be shot. Oh! I’ve got an idea! Instead of 3 people per day, which allowed all three to have proper recoupe time, lets make it just 2 on a 12 on, 12 off schedule! We can use that employee somewhere else! Sound like an issue of Dilbert? Yeah, I thought so too.


Finally.. Yes Finally!

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We are back online! Yes, much to my reporters anguish they are back on the beat. They whined and complained. I think they just wanted another week off is all. Anyways, the news will start pouring back in once I kick a couple butts to the curb. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome a couple new faces to the R362 Approved community. BADFOO.NET and SBHIDEOUT.COM . They have rightfully taken there place among legends.

Welcome to the New Site!

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NOTICE: All updates are on hold till Tuesday. Sorry.

  1. Not much has changed except for the hosting service.
  2. Changes will be happening though. I will be adding a pod cast. Excited yet?
  3. If you found me already, you are either.

  4. Very, Very bored.

  5. Someone I know.

Hope to see ya around.

R362 Approved

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It’s a big rave across the internet , so Room362.Com is jumping on the band wagon. (So I’m about a year late, give me a break)

If you want to be cool be R362 Approved!

Transporter 2

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I went to see The Transporter 2 tonight. Normally I watch movies using an ‘alternative’ method, but for action movies it is really hard to get into it without the 13 speakers blaring heart pumping music into your face for a eyeball warping experience. I have to admit, that this movie was great, but if it had not been for the fantastic sound effects, music, and overall audible feel to the movie, I would have thought less of it. The only bad part of the movie that I didn’t like was that they added a huge gap between realities. In the first movie, you were left thinking, “Hmm, do people actually do this?” In this movie you start wondering when Van Dam and The Govenator are going to start breaking down doors. Overall good performances though. Good job Frank.

Transporter 2 – Click for Trailer

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Yes that is right, you heard it here first! BADFOO.NET is up!

I’m not saying that they (he) has content up yet, except for a pic of a hacked up HP. But I have assigned a couple reporters to this story and I will keep updates as this page evolves.