Blatherings of a security addict.

Delete TrustedInstaller-only Files and Folders

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Not very security related, but something I don’t want to forget how to do. It was a PITA. So I had a old WINDOWS directory that I needed to get rid of. And the following commands gave me the ooomph needed to get the job done.

1) Get a SYSTEM shell so all modding of permissions will be good.

psexec /accepteula -i -s cmd

2) Grant Administrators FULL rights to the directory and all sub directories and files

icacls C:\Windows\* /grant Administrators:F /C /T

3) Finish the job, delete the folder and everything below it

rmdir /s /q C:\Windows\

All done. Weeeeeeeee!

If you have a better way to do this via commands or programs please let me know, always looking to learn more.
