Blatherings of a security addict.

Hak.5 Episode 9

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Ok, so I am a little late on posting. Been kinda busy with my new son, work, and everything in between (mainly IRC). The reason I am posting about this episode is because I was welcomed onto the show as a Guest. If you have already seen it. Yes, I was nervous and Yes, I am ugly. Get it? Got it? Good. Ok, well I did a segment on applications that conviently fit onto a USB flash drive. Now, I only showed 4 on the show, my favorites. However there are about 32 applications that I would like to share. Which brings me to my second shout out to all the viewers: Yes, I have the complete list, Yes, it is publicly available, and NO I will not send, email, or IM you the link until the 10th. The reason for this is I was welcomed on the show as a guest as I said before and I respect their way of doing things, so I will retain the knowledge of the link until the rest of the show notes are released.

Oh by the way, if you don’t know about Hak.5, go to and click on Episodes, you will see multiple links to many different ways to download the episodes.

You can find the list of USB applications that I previewed on the show at /pages/usbgoodies.html or by clicking on the link under static pages.
