Blatherings of a security addict.

Bribing the Security Community

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So here is the deal. I have a ticket to the RSA Conference that is April 20-24 in San Francisco, at Moscone Center. I can’t use it. So I am offering it up as a bribe. Here is the bribe. I need a video of The Middler in action. From start (downloading) to finish (compromise / root / BeEF / owange) of another machine.

The video must be without audio, pausing a bit with each step, and a maximum of 1020 x 720 in resolution preferably in Camtasia Studio format. And no, Jay, it can’t be the one you used at ShmooCon. This video will be added to The Academy Pro site through the normal cycle. Submit your videos via link, or attachment to rob [at] theacademy d0t ca or twitter @mubix 

If you are a vendor / conference organizer and would like to offer the same deal for whatever kind of video you would like (as long as it fits the M.O. of The Academy Pro / Home) please contact me at rob [at] theacademy d0t ca.

Direct Link to The Middler download:
